
Your internet connection is like plumbing; you only notice when things foul up. Does the system of pipes and nodes have the capacity to support us now we’re forced to work from home?

5G is a wireless technology. Once it is fully deployed, no wire or cable will be required to deliver services or communications to devices such as a mobile, fixed devices like security systems or a car.

In recent years, the West Midlands has emerged from the decline of its traditional industries to become a thriving tech hub. We interviewed several key figures within the region to understand why and how this has happened and what the future holds.

5G has a large task of “replacing one wireless architecture created this century with another one that aims to lower energy consumption and maintenance costs”. One of the key benefits is the faster download and upload speeds.

Former senior government figures voice security fears as PM chairs meeting of NSCFormer…

With President Trump’s administration demanding the UK Government ditch any plans to integrate Huawei a Chinese telecoms giant into the future 5G infrastructure or face the risk of tariffs on British cars, it’s important to consider what may be the alternative motivations.

Leased line connectivity holds several advantages over conventional broadband connections, but could 5G soon render it obsolete?

5G is being rolled out in cities across the world, but could it solve rural connectivity problems?

Ultimately, consumers and businesses want more data. 5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity. Faster download and upload speeds, more stable connections and wider coverage is promised. Radio spectrum is supposed to be improved enabling more devices to access the mobile internet simultaneously.

We look at what to expect when 5G is rolled out in 2020…